The Chop

The Chop is recognized for their sophisticated experimentation with authenticity and has involved some of the finest artists throughout Canada. Using long-term engagement, they attempt to create new forms led by the questions at the heart of their work. They are also known for how close they get with their audience. The Chop have been building shows since 2006 and have toured extensively over the past decade.


Pathetic Fallacy

In order to reduce her carbon impact, theatre artist Anita Rochon set herself the challenge of making a live touring piece that puts no performer on tour. A local stand-in takes on the central role in an innovative and provocative work that circles around climate change and lands on one person.

Format: Live in person or online

Photo by Samantha Madely

Playing Fields

Playing Fields explores the fraught subject of land through a youth-driven, outdoor, participatory sound performance. Using sport as our entry point, our real focus is on where the game takes place - the field itself. This immersive and transportable show is based on a series of interviews with youth (ages 13-16) from 6-8 different rural and urban communities about a field they have a relationship to.

Co-Artistic Directors Anita Rochon & Emelia Symington Fedy are excited to be collaborating on this newest work-in-development with sound designer Nancy Tam.

Format: Audio performance


KISMET, things have changed

In 2009, four artists in their late 20’s set out across Canada to interview one hundred people, aged 1 to 100, about their experiences and beliefs around fate and destiny. What they discovered on the road - stories of mystery, joy and endurance - became the anchor for a compelling and intimate show that blends verbatim interviews with the experience of the travellers. Ten years later, the same team, now in their late 30’s, attempts to find and re-connect with the surviving 100 people. How has the world changed? How have they?

Format: Live in person

Photo by Reznekcreative


How to Disappear Completely

In How to Disappear Completely, Itai Erdal, an award-winning lighting designer and gifted storyteller, demonstrates his approach to theatrical lighting while also reflecting on the events that followed his mother asking him to take her life.

Format: Live in person

Photo by Emily Cooper


Five Minute Therapy

Do you have 5 minutes? Self-Proclaimed professional Advice-Giver Emelia Symington Fedy cuts to the quick of what you need to hear before the ding of an egg timer. One-on-one intimate exchanges in a public setting that are uncannily correct. This durational performance pairs well with festival openings, other performance events and works in public settings and private spaces alike.

Format: Live in person installation

Photo by Liesbeth Bernaerts