Good Things to Do

Produced by Rumble Theatre

Rumble creates, presents, and produces contemporary performance. Working in a decentralized collective model, Rumble is committed to prioritizing projects and initiatives that utilize art to expand collective imagination, collaboration, and build a deeper understanding of relationality and community.

Good Things to Do was created by Siminovitch Protegee Prize recipient Christine Quintana, Jessie Award-winning collaborative artist and violinist Molly MacKinnon, Jessie Award-winning composer Mishelle Cuttler, and digital artist Sam MacKinnon.


Good Things to Do

Somewhere between awake and asleep, you are summoned to receive a special message from a forgotten old friend. Using a delicate physical environment, a sonic soundscape, and an unexpected use of technology, participants are invited to centre themselves within a dreamscape in which they possess extraordinary powers. An immersive and solitary experience, Good Things to Do is a meditation on goodness, generosity, and the struggle to stay soft in a world that asks us to be hard.

Format: Online or live installation

Photo: Christine Quintana | Art: Sam MacKinnon